Monday, August 25, 2008

Advertising 5.0: What's your future??

Most of the traditional advertsing agencies are up for a shock in the near future if they don't change the way they operate. People have been talking about this future change and trying to figure out the reason behind it. Technology, as widely believed, is not the only factor responsible for this change. Our consumer has changed. Our consumer has become more non-cooperative. Days are gone when creating a micro-site supported by judicious media planning could do the trick for the brands.

Today, it is important to study our consumer in detail. The study of human and human nature by the advertisers is essential if they wish to command respect from their clients. The future of advertising will see a seismic shift in the role of advertising agencies.

The Advertising 5.0 agencies of the future would either be the creator of the ideas ( C-agencies) or the placer of those ideas (P-agencies). These C agencies will solve problems and create ideas that grow brands. The rest of the agencies will have to settle as the placers of communications.

The C agencies will require account strategists who have enough creative and intellectual bandwidth to design complex campaigns for the clients. These account strategists will work in tandem with their P agency counterparts and will bring life to these ideas through multiple channels.

The paramount question for all of us should be, How many C-agency ideators do we have right now in our ranks? If we don't have few, then we are up for a rude shock in the future.


Anonymous said...

Hey good post, I really believe that's the direction we're all going. Have a question though, why is its Advertising 5.0?

Ajay Gupta said...


Thanks for your comment.

I really believe that the future of advertising lies in the integration of planning and creative department. Industry desperately needs 'Creative Planners'. Advertising 5.0 (just a way of talking about the future) takes this thinking one step forward and defines the role of advertising agencies.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the explanation Ajay!
Yes, definitely that is where we should be heading. As a planner myself, I am hoping for the day that creatives and planning learn how to work as partners instead of just different stops along an assembly line for advertising..